Thursday 24 June 2010

Thailand on Sale!!!

In the aftermath of the Bangkok nonsense right at the start of the low season, it had to happen ... visitor arrivals have dropped drastically. And in response, hotel, airlines and tourism operators are also dropping their trousers drastically.

Don't just take advantage -- take advantage TODAY!

Let's see: Bangkok Airways is offering 5% off your next flight (from their already very affordable fares). Just show your boarding pass to qualify. ( )

One of my Bangkok boutique hotels, Tenface, has got a Buy One, Get One Free night special on now. (See

And Agoda, one of the hotel booking sites I regularly use, has got pages of specials for Bangkok, Phuket, Samui, etc. (See ) I can see lots of 50% offs there at some amazing properties, cheaper than a lousy motel up the coast in Australia.

Thailand is consistently rated the world's best value destination. Now, it's unbelievable value. Even all those idiot news crews that mis-reported the Bangkok situation can probably afford to take a break now (in fact, fellas, do us all a favour and take a loooooooooooooong break).

PS: come on in, the water's fine. For tourists, Thailand is as peaceful as it ever was. Jing jing!

Let me know if YOU have a special you'd like to push to our readers: happy to help.

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