Sunday, 12 September 2010

Amazing Thailand amazes with 13% tourism increase

The Tourism Authority of Thailand Governor, Khun Suraphon Svetasreni, amazed a roomful of international media at TTM+ in Bangkok the other day when he unveiled the January-July arrival figures tabulated by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports.

'Ladies and gentlemen,' he said, fixing the media with a proud smile, 'despite the recent political unrest, arrivals into Thailand have increased by 13.79%'. Jing Jing! Personally, I would've rounded it up to 14%. But still, a great result. Visitors from Australia were up 11.65% to 387, 704 in the period.

Mr Svetasreni also took the opportunity to unveil an evolution of the Amazing Thailand slogan. The new form is Amazing Thailand Always Amazes You.

Whether you're living here, have visited many times, or are a first timer in the Kingdom, that is certainly true.

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